Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Rant Of A Bitter Paper Clip

Hi, I'm a paper clip. I'm surprised you noticed me. No one does. I spend my days mostly stuck to this magnetic holder. Of course, occasionally I do travel from one desk to the other. Not a very eventful life, but I guess it's better than the long time I spent inside a paper box inside the stationery cabinet. At least I get to see the light of the day - rather the fluorescent light of the office space. Oh there comes the hand! I hope he picks me. A change of scenery would be really good now. Sigh! Next time I hope. Oh. The folder went into the desk. That was close. I've been through that once. Not the most pleasant experience! Day after day of darkness. What kills you most is the suspense - whether you'll ever get out, or spend the rest of your life locked up. You know, we paper clips do our work very diligently, but our use has been greatly reduced, thanks to these computers and word processing software. And as if that wasn't enough, I heard one of those software people had the nerve to use the image of a paper clip. They call it the office assistant and make it curl into different shapes and do tricks. Quite insensitive, if you ask me! And not representative at all! Hey, are you paying attention? Is that a laptop you're getting out? And I thought you cared! Just go away! I don't want to talk any more.


Earlier this year, I decided that I should pursue my love for writing a little more seriously.  This resulted in me joining a Portland Community College course on writing. One of the techniques discussed in this course was Bricolage. The term is borrowed from the French word bricolage, from the verb bricoler, the core meaning in French being, "fiddle, tinker" and, by extension, "to make creative and resourceful use of whatever materials are at hand (regardless of their original purpose)". The following post was my assignment submission after the class. Hope you enjoy it.